CE Foundation – EN
Price: € 900,-
Duration: 2 days
1. How to attend this masterclass
- The CE Foundation training can be followed online. In-company training, or customization is also possible.
- The training days are from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
- The training evenings are from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. With the evening training sessions you will go through the material in less time and spend more time on self-study.
- To enroll: send an email to bart@dbmetrics.nl
2. The content
The CE Foundation teaches you the basic concepts of Continuous Everything. DevOps is gaining more and more ground in the world of development (Dev) and operations (Ops). Major speed gains are achieved when developing and putting into production new functionality that supports business processes. New methods and techniques are used, such as Continuous Integration (programmers working together on the same software development) and Continuous Deployment (automating new functionality into production as much as possible). The word Continuous is increasingly being added in front of existing words such as Continuous Monitoring and Continuous Security. That is why we now talk about Continuous Everything (CE).
This training is about these CE best practices. You will learn the related terms at the entry level. No prior knowledge is necessary and in-depth training and exams are available.
3. Your profile
This CE Foundation training is suitable for anyone who works in IT.
4. Content and learning objectives CE Foundation
This professional and practice-oriented CE Foundation training focuses on the basic concepts of CE, which are explained through many practical examples. The following topics are covered in the training:
Day 1:
Continuous Planning (CP)
- What is CP?
- CP Definition
- CP Concept
- Roadmap to value
- Continuous planning model
- Balanced scorecard
Continuous Design (CN)
- What is CN?
- CN Definition
- Continuous Design pyramid model
Continuous Testing (CT)
- What is CT?
- CT Definition
- Test Driven Development
Continuous Integration (CI)
- What is CI?
- CI Definition
- Versioning
- Code refactoring
- From source code to binary code
- Interactive programming
- Version control
- Plan do check act approach
Day 2:
Continuous Deployment (CD)
- What is CD?
- CD Definition
- DTAP street
- Source code versus object code
- The CI/CD secure pipeline
- The required repositories
- Continuous deployment roadmap
Continuous Monitoring (CM)
- What is CM?
- CM Definition
- Continuous monitoring layer model
- The difference between SOR, SOE and SOI
- The lead and lag performance indicators management model
- Monitor hierarchy model
Continuous Learning (CL)
- What is CL?
- CL Definition
- Continuous learning model
- Bloom’s taxonomy model,
- energy level model
- I-T-E shaped model,
- high performance model based on Westrum
- Schneider Cultural Systems model,
- Color model from De Caluwé and Vermaak
- Value chain or Porter
- Recursive value chain or Porter
- Continuous learning model
5. Prior knowledge and entry requirements CE Foundation
No specific prior knowledge is required to follow this masterclass. It is useful to know basis terms of agile concepts like Agile Scrum and DevOps.
6. Training duration and costs
The CE Foundation training lasts 2 days. The costs for the CE Foundation training are: € 900. This price includes digital teaching materials and excludes VAT. The material for this CE Foundation training is delivered digitally. If you want to read the sheets on your own device during the CE Foundation training, you must bring your own device.
This training includes the book Continuous Everything.
ISBN: 978-94-92618-66-5
7. Exam
The costs for the CE Foundation exam are € 275 excl. VAT.
8. Certificate
If you have successfully completed the exam after the training, you will receive the certificate CE Foundation.
9. Teachers
dbmetrics only works with the best teachers. Our trainers have extensive experience, are certified and have knowledge of theory and practice.
10. In-company
This training can also be organized in-company, under the guidance of one of our experienced consultants/trainers.
11. Advice and secondment
Are you looking for an experienced DevOps Engineer, product owner or scrum master or are you looking for good advice regarding setting up or optimizing your IT organization? Please contact dbmetrics.